June 2016



The Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) Program of the Government of Canada supports Canadian universities in their efforts to build on Canada's growing reputation as a global leader in research and innovation.

The University of British Columbia's CERC in Neurogenetics and Translational Neuroscience Matthew Farrer has added a new area of research to his chair: examining the genetic mutations responsible for childhood epilepsy.
Graham Pearson

Graham Pearson, CERC in Arctic Resources at the University of Alberta, has received a Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to spearhead a new school that will help train and produce the next generation of highly qualified diamond explorers.
The Takuvik group led by Marcel Babin, CERC in Remote Sensing of Canada's New Arctic Frontier at Université Laval, has been awarded a US$750,000 Human Frontier Science Program Organization grant to find out how microscopic algae are able to survive in the darkness of a polar winter.

Maya Groner

Maya Groner is a researcher who has recently finished her postdoctoral fellowship and moved into early-career opportunities, thanks in part to support from Ian Gardner's research program as CERC in Aquatic Epidemiology at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Canada Research Chair Carles Vilarino-Guell

Carles Vilarino-Guell, a Canada Research Chair at The University of British Columbia, led a team that has proven multiple sclerosis can be caused by a single genetic mutation. Vilarino-Guell came to Canada through the CERC Program as a postdoctoral student of Matthew Farrer, CERC in Neurogenetics and Translational Neuroscience at UBC.


Watch this stunning promotional clip, filmed during Marcel Babin's Green Edge Project 2015 ice camp at Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. The clip will eventually form part of a full-length documentary movie called Arctic Bloom. You can follow Babin's 2016 expedition on the Green Edge Expeditions blog.

The University of Alberta's CERC in Virology Michael Houghton tells the story of how he led the discovery and cloning of the hepatitis C virus in 1989, and how his subsequent research at the University could lead to a vaccine that will save lives around the world. 
Andrea Lodi

Andrea Lodi, CERC in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making at Polytechnique Montréal, has a new website. Learn more about Lodi's chair.
Thomas Thundat

Thomas Thundat, CERC in Oil Sands Molecular Engineering at the University of Alberta, works on sensors that detect things at a molecular level, with applications as diverse as improving airport security and detecting prostate cancer. 
Robin Rogers
According to Robin Rogers, if we were to introduce gasoline into society today, nobody would accept it. Rogers is McGill University's CERC in Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals, and was featured in a fascinating article by Claude Lafleur in Le Devoir (French only).

Robert Boyd
Robert Boyd, CERC in Quantum Nonlinear Optics at the University of Ottawa, has won the 2016 Charles Hard Townes Award, presented by the Optical Society of America.

July 2017:
Canada Excellence Research Chairs Summit takes place at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

